SUB-18B为传统一路超低音音箱,可以提供均匀的声场辐射与大的声压输出,单元均采用对称式磁路设计,可有效的减少二、三次谐波失真,新的高音膜片元素能提供细腻、明亮高频表现,灵活的安装方式,SUB-18B提供标准配件,同时也可以根据不同的场合要求,提供不同的安装方式。 | 下载中心 |
The SUB-18B features substantial birch ply construction and
large area porting to reduce air noise.It can operate in passive
add-on mode using its internal switchable passive network or
may be used actively with an DL-246 control ler. In the active
configuration, the contol ler wi l l provide crossover,EQand
l imiter functions for the SUB-18B and ful l-range combination.
The SUB-18B is provided with a top hat fitting that can be used
to pole mount and ful l-range above the enclosure.
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